• 478167
  • 478167
  • 478167

One of our bestselling products, the spork is a fantastic practical giveaway item. Perfect as a giveaway for the end receiver to use time and time again no more single use cutlery! The design sees a deep spoon and sharp fork spokes with an ergonomic handle, all complete With large branding area. Made in the UK from rHIPS.b a revolutionary biodegradable & recycled plastic, digitally printed CMYK up to full colour as standard. Colourways include: Sand, Sky, Seaweed, Tor & Buoy all suitable for a full colour CMYK print. What is rHIPS.b? Its made from recycled polymers including all our waste products with a biodegradable additive, that speeds up the natural biodegradable process of plastic. The material has been tested to ISO 15985 and has ASTM B5511 certification.

SPKN-rHIPS.b rHIPS.b Spork- 1 Side
FROM £1.35


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